For the Guarded, Gifted, & Guided.
There is an unknown species lurking in the shadows that move about the Earth. Mortals are entirely unaware of their existence, innocently living their lives with the impending fate of inevitable death, unaware they could be unlucky enough to live forever. The unknown thrive in the night, shapeshifting into an animal of their choosing. These nocturnal creatures are either dangerous or righteous, not both. The ones who are dangerous manipulate their prey into becoming one of them for selfish reasons, masters of deception. In human form, they use the glow of their golden eyes to stare into one’s soul during a night of a waning crescent to transform a mortal. The righteous creatures, often turned against their will, make the choice to protect others, but can no longer live a normal human life…
To listen to the full audiobook & read The Guardian, visit McNeill Mullikin's portfolio.
Collaborators are Grace van Rij & McNeill Mullikin.
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